An integrated media package to serve you:

Video People Profiles…Evangelistic Films…Contextual Fellowship Videos … Evangelistic Art and Storying … Evangelistic and Mobilisation websites …Photo CDs and more!

projectpartner002Are you a field missionary, strategic coordinator for a people group, church promoting mission awareness, short or long term outreach team leader? If you said yes to any of these, Create International can provide a complete media package to serve you in areas of advocacy, evangelism, discipleship and church planting!

Create has produced over 200 videos for unreached people groups, and distributed in excess of 15,000 Video People Profiles to individuals and churches worldwide. The potential audience of all of our evangelistic films is 1.5 Billion people in their heart language. Create has also produced Evangelistic Films for more than 60 of the world’s least evangelized mega peoples.

projectpartner001Over 1,000 churches and mission agencies are utilizing both our Evangelistic Films and Video People Profiles. Our presentations have been dubbed into or produced in 65 different languages. Many people have been touched by a culturally relevant presentation of the gospel in their heart language. Once distributed and in the hands of mobilisers, these productions are shown globally and often have resulted in confirming God’s call on peoples lives to say yes! to missions and even yes to God.

Create desires to network with you to strategically and effectively reach your specific people group and their unique felt needs, literacy level, indigenous arts and security precautions.

Please contact us for more information.

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